Sunday 29 September 2013

Wow. First. Post. Ever.


Wow. Doing something I never thought I would-blogging. Because Tumblr people can f****** screw themselves. God I hate that site. Not blogging, just that site. So maybe a bit of background might help. I'm an artist, amateur costume designer, amateur fashion designer, sew-er, "musician"/music lover, reading enthusiast, writer, podcast obsessive, tv/film lover etc. And did I mention I'm still in HIGH SCHOOL?

Never ask me about sports. Ever. I think they are rediculous displays of man/womanhood (I have feminist friends don't shoot me) and I couldn't care less about them. Ask me about almost anything else.

So what's this blog about? All the stuff I mentioned. Except for sports. Because...just don't ask me about them. I want it to be weekly, but now guarantees, all you 14-19 year olds know what I mean. The rest of you? Stuff like tests, finals, essays, etc. that you hope to GOD you will neve have to do again. Don't talk to me about university unless you've got something to say about Canadian schools that do sewing stuff.

I'm also a movie review enthusiast so ASK ME. I will hook you up with some amazing reviewing sites that are all run independently on pretty much ads and merchandise from cons. Next week : The amazing and truthfully tragic thing that is Carnivale.