Saturday 7 December 2013

Why we need more George RR Martin books

Just listen to this, I'm completely obsessed.

Wednesday 4 December 2013


Hey folks, just wanted to let you know, I'm going on Tumblr. That's right, Tumblr. Here's my URL

This guy's gonna stay open (fingers crossed) for the longer posts, and I'll be promo-ing stuff for this blog on Tumblr, so you know what's going on if you don't get a chance to check this one out all the time. Follow me on Tumblr, I'll follow you back, it'll be great. If you have any suggestions, let me know.

Movie Reviews Will Continue Living Here, so no worries, I'm not uprooting the potential BR BA review coming up...

Be-be-be-be-a That's all folks.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Where are all the comments?

Um guys? We're going to have a problem here. Where are all the comments? I'd like to see some commenting from the lovely audience because that's what's supposed to happen with blogs. So please, for the next post and so I keep this thing going, comment. It would be nice.

That is all.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Quest for Camelot

Let me just say this,


What the hell was I thinking? I get that audiences like to see their reviewers suffer, just cuz, but now I  take it all back. I feel sorry for those poor people who have to watch shitty movies for a living. And then talk about them with whatever intellect they have left in their brains.

So, Quest for Camelot. It's pretty much one of those warner bros. Disney knockoffs that is best summed up with one word:

You know, I think I watched it so many times as a child because I had no idea what was going on in the movie most of the time, but I will try to piece it together.

So it's an Arthurian story with the round table etc. and our protagonist Kayley wants to be a knight etc. sings about wanting more, you knew it was all coming. The Excaliber gets stolen  by this guy Ruber, and her father dies etc.

She goes on a quest to get it back, finds a blind hermit named Garrett, and I swear to God, this is when the movie turns into Medieval Furngully. Plants start moving, and flying, and, and, and, I don't even know. There's also a two headed dragon who is (are?) essentially the Genie, doing Elvis and Phantom of the opera references. And then Ruber's making human/animal + weapon combos with ACME potion pulled from his cleavage.

And there's some epic battle, and Garrett and Kayley get married/knighted and they all live happily ever after.


(of course I wouldn't do that, but god this movie's horrible)

Funny Fake Movie Posters

So ya know, I was surfing the net, just cuz. And I found these hilarious "seinfeld movie posters".  If Kyle Kallgren or Doug Walker are reading this now, stop before it's too late. I beg of you.

Saturday 30 November 2013

Vintage Clothing Myths

I kinda wanna do something different this time around, especially since I got a vintage prom dress.

Top 5 myths about vintage clothing.

5.Vintage isn't for the average person, because it's super expensive to get good stuff.

NOT TRUE AT ALL!!!!!!! I really don't get people who think everything is too this and that. I once bought a denim Mickey Mouse varsity jacket for $10, and it didn't even need repairs, alterations etc.
Yeah, I get that those PERFECT, Dior gowns cost upwards of $700  (at least the gorgeous 1950's chartreuse number my fave boutique has-EVEN IF IT IS SIZE 4). But the truth of the matter is that like anything else, vintage has a price range, and it's always suited to the age and quality of the
garment. For example, I saw this adorable 1980's black jewelled clutch for 50 bucks down from 200, but it was super damaged, and it was irreparable. Obviously, sewing on a button etc. isn't a big deal, but big things are important to look out for.

4.Vintage clothes shouldn't ever be changed or altered.

WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!!!!!  Say you find a great garment, whatever it is for whatever price it is. We'll use this yellow day dress from Cabaret Vintage.

So, it's a 37"bust, and say your bust size is 34". There is nothing wrong with taking it to your alteration guy and having it taken in. It will look better, fit better, and you'll love how it will look on you. So, take my advice, just do it.

3.Vintage clothes shouldn't be worn, they should just be looked at and stored properly.

Where do you people get this advice? Vintage should be worn and ENJOYED. I'm only going to get so much out of looking at my prom dress in my closet before I'm going to break down and put it on. Your house in not a museum, so just wear the stuff. Especially if your wedding gown is vintage, because you'll only wear it once. And furthermore, vintage evening wear has usually only ever been worn a couple of times, so as long as it's properly stored (Keep it in your closet, away from light with one of those cedar block hanger things and you're good) this is not a problem. Which leads me to my next point:

2.Vintage clothes aren't practical, so don't buy them.

Yes they are!!!!! Now, if a certain fashion loving friend from summer camp, with a name that starts with B and ends with an E is reading, you know what I'm talking about. But first, let me tell you a story. Being a sewing fanatic has it's downsides, like going through withdrawals when you don't have fabric and scissors in hand. So naturally camp brought this out of me, and when said friend told me she ripped her pants, I was happy to fix them up. She brought me 1930's WOOL TROUSERS and asked me if I could fix them. Of course I did. She didn't tell me they were vintage until after I finished sewing them up. Those pants were F****** INDESTRUCTABLE. I wish I had a pair (she's also curvy so I know I could find another pair out there that could fit me) because they would be awesome walking to school in Toronto winters. Hell, my parents made me buy jeans with red flannel lining because I wouldn't shut up about how cold it was sprinting to school in my Canada Goose Chiliwack parka, Sorel boots and American Eagle Jegging.

Now before you all lynch me, let me say this. I get it, some vintage simply isn't practical, like a lot of clothes. A 1920's flapper dress with cotton thread and tons of beading can't be dry cleaned, and needs a lot of undergarments to look good in. A Dior original gown is probably super delicate and REALLY EXPENSIVE. Again, pointing to the same friend, why do you need a vintage wedding dress. With a train. At camp. I know it was $30, but why? And finally:

1.Vintage clothes are small because people were smaller then.
Have you people watched Mad Men? 

That is such b*******. Like today, there were men and women of all sizes and shapes, so the next person who tells me that is going to get hurt. Just saying. The size 2's and 4's are still around because, like today, they were worn by only a small percentage of the population. The average woman wears size 12-16. My grandmother did and still does float between an 8 and a 10. Compare this to Marilyn Monroe dresses that can't even fit on size 2 mannequins. Plus, sizes then were pretty different from sizes today. And this is an exaggeration, but one site said that a vintage 14 was like today's 2 (WTF???) Although, I tried on this black Marilyn-esque column gown from the 70's that was sized as 14. And it didn't have measurements on the tag. And, while it wasn't super flattering, it would have fit me perfectly with some spanx in there. Just saying. Just keep telling this to my dad who saw an Audrey Hepburn esque. black beaded number and insisted I try it on. It was size 4. I am not size 4, I am size 12. You can't magically grow more dress to increase it by 8 dress sizes. IT SIMPLY CAN'T BE DONE!!!!!!

By the way, I tried this one on when I was shopping for my dress:

It's Polyester-ey.

Sunday 24 November 2013


Ok, I can't do this any more. Disney movies are killing off valuable brain cells, that I need because I have three tests this week. And I'm helping the classics department build a chariot. Yes you heard right, a CHARIOT.


Ok, I'm fine now. And I haven't been watching a lot of stuff lately because of, well, tests, so I'm in need of ideas. I am out of f****** ideas, so please, please, please post suggestions in the comments and I will try to do them all.

I've been watching Mad Men season 6 kinda off and on, so if you guys have seen it, tell me what you think. I want to do a post on it when I'm done the show because it is the last season, so until them.