Saturday 9 November 2013

Disney Animated Movies Pre-Renaissance

This will be a bit of an unconventional take on the whole Disney, Disney princess, animated Disney renaissance etc. shtick.

While I have my issues with the portrayal of women in those movies, I'm not going to even get into that today when I have Latin verbs to conjugate. You're welcome. Since I set off to do costume design in the scope of movie reviewing and haven't really done enough of that, I'm going to do that now.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs:

I really do think this is one of the few films that actually portrays figures in a, shall we say, natural way. And the costuming is lacklustre at best.

Oh god this is going to be a long post. Here goes nothing.

Snow White (1937)

I have no f****** idea. I know that's really weak, but I just have no idea whatsoever.

Cinderella (1950):

The women's wear in this film is pretty much late victorian, roughly 1870's. Roughly. This of course doesn't apply for all the outfits, and the stepmother's getup is distinctly 1890's. WHAT GIVES!!!!!!

As for the menswear, it's kinda reminiscent of Tsar Nicolas II's dress uniforms. Which is probably pretty low at best.
Sleeping Beauty (1959):

Ok this one is somewhat easier. Most of the outfits, yes even the elephant in the room that is the pink

and blue dress, are medieval. Prince,whateverhisfaceis, has a REALLY REALLY typically mid 1500's getup so I'm not sure what happened there. I have no idea.

Next up: Disney etc. Animated Movies during and after Renaissance

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