Sunday 20 October 2013

Boardwalk Empire

This'll just be a short post because I have a world history test to study for...

I feel like anyone who watched the Sopranos or James Bond movies will love this tv series. I also just finished season three and it was AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME. AND, Martin Scorsce directed it.

So yeah, yeah, I'll tell you what it's about. The story centers around Enoch "nucky" Thompson, a fictious Atlantic City 1920's bootlegger. He, along with characters like Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, Arnold Rothstein do business selling booze all while dodging the cops(who are totally in on it and let the whole matter go anyways).

It's a very slick looking show with hyper authentic fashions that go beyond well, this:

Because, debate this with me all day long, but that look only came into being in the later half of the decade for essentially actresses and wealthy socialites. It really wasn't practical for the average person.

This is more realistic, just saying.

The show tackles a lot of issues like war veterans, the women's vote, racism, the issues in Ireland etc. of the time but manages to make them current and somehow relevant. But what I really love is how it gets to the core of the human race's vices and shows them is black and white, right and wrong. But it also shows how we'll never be truly free of those vices, like the want of a glass of wine at dinner, even if society deems it BAD.

And a word of warning for those uninitiated, theres a ton of gore, blood, bodies and F******. In the third season, one of the characters turns her dead husband's mansion into a brothel where EVERY kind of kinkiness and habits are allowed.
don't say I didn't warn ya.

Just imagine there's an OF COURSE!!! gif here.

Until next time: American Horror Story Season 2

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