Saturday 19 October 2013

Cool World Vs Who framed/censored Roger Rabbit

I've had this post kicking around for a while, so I kind of just wanted to get it done already. And, I haven't seen AHS season 2 yet, so that will be for a later post. Sorry guys.

Roger Rabbit: 1
Cool World: 0

I really do love live action/animation films but Cool World? Brad Pitt needs to go back to the f****** hole he crawled. So basically, I will raise up RR and send CW down to the depths of Hades. But I should make something very clear...I couldn't even finish Cool World, it really is that stupid. I normally have this weird habit of always finishing films I watch, but this one was beyond bad for ME.
Both movies are super similar in the sense that they are a)40's period pieces from the 80's b)half animation half live action flicks and c)use the cops and robbers storyline. Oh yeah and d)they have slutty DD female love interests.
Roger Rabbit (1988): I <3 you robert zemeckis!!!!! You did it first, you did it best. And there was disney/Warner bros toons.
But none the less, Cool World(1992):
I feel my brain cells die when I watch this movie, it is that bad. So, the idea is that this cartoonist who created cool world just got out of jail, and one way or another, gets sucked into the universe. Coolworld is the movie equivalent of a bad LSD trip that induces terrifying nightmares that make no fucking sense, in comparison to the fun, relaxing experience that is Roger Rabbit. Brad Pitt plays a guy who was also sucked into the universe, which makes no sense since the WHOLE THING WAS CREATED IN THE 90'S BY A CARTOONIST IN JAIL!!!!!!IT CAN'T EXIST IN THE FORTIES!!! And well,
the Angelina Jolie/ Jennifer Aniston jokes just keep coming.
What do you want? I'm on short supply of wit today.  And for those of you who have seen it, the CARDBOARD CUTOUTS. They couldn't even try to integrate the toons well, because that would require EFFORT!!!
So if you haven't, the cars and buildings that toons enter and exit are cleverly designed CARDBOARD CUTOUTS. At least in Roger Rabbit they used a toon car so it kind of made sense for the thing to work.
Now, the premise of the film is the question of what happens when noids (humans) have SEX with toons. I know most guys fantasize about Jessica Rabbit, but really? They had to go there? I mean, the result is just that the said toon becomes human, but why? The original concept about a guy and his half toon, half human daughter is really dark, but a lot more compelling that the crap they produced...

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